Article: North Korea has demolished its monument to reunification but it can’t fully erase the dream


North Korea erases a symbol, but postage stamps immortalize the dream. Explore the hidden narratives uncovered by David Hall.

North Korea's dramatic demolition of the Arch of Reunification, a symbol of inter-Korean hope, parallels Kim Jong-un's declaration that reunification is no longer possible. This action reflects a propaganda shift, reminiscent of past narrative revisions. As Hall remarks, "In most authoritarian states, revisions to official party narratives require the alteration and removal of symbols associated with the previous narrative."

This removal extends to postage stamps, powerful symbolic items that convey official viewpoints. Recently, five stamps depicting the Arch of Reunification have been expunged from the official postage stamp catalog. However, these stamps will continue to circulate among private collectors in other countries, highlighting the enduring power of these stamps in conveying a tale of symbolism beyond official narratives.

Hall, David. "North Korea has demolished its monument to reunification but it can’t fully erase the dream." The Conversation (2023).